The crown of the crown (part1)

The crown of the crown (Part1) The unformed substance waited for the voice to melt and mold, form and fashion, order. With each evening and morning came a new layer of complexity and ornateness. With each evening and morning came a new expression of the artist’s heart...

But all was not right after the fall (part2)

But all was not right after the fall (Part 2) But all was not right after the fall. Her desire would be for her husband and he would rule over her. Her dynamic was destined for struggle as the creation crashed into the stony reality of a life marred by sin and...

He interrupted the spiral (part3)

He interrupted the spiral (Part 3) He interrupted the spiral. The signs all pointed to Him and His coming. But many imagined a Messiah in their image: Military coos, power clashes and brutal victories over enemies. Instead He came from the embassy of Heaven, bringing...

Gods life lessons with Motherhood

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