But all was not right after the fall

(Part 2)

But all was not right after the fall.

Her desire would be for her husband and he would rule over her.

Her dynamic was destined for struggle as the creation crashed into the stony reality of a life marred by sin and deception, a life disconnected from the designer.

The dark one built scaffolding, then edifaces in the minds of men all around woman’s worth and value in their eyes. And as she looked to him she ran into strong buttresses and defensive castles that protected the lie: we are better than you.

Imaginations of men and then women, in the hands of the crafty one, selecting partial truths rather than embracing The Truth. Preferring self rather than preferring others. The worship of self created beliefs, created voices, created laws, created educations. All built around half truths and stony, hard, cold lies.

Death ensued. And Death ensues today. In a million ways. Death is the fruit of agreeing with such lies.

Gods life lessons with Motherhood

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