He interrupted the spiral

(Part 3)

He interrupted the spiral.
The signs all pointed to Him and His coming.
But many imagined a Messiah in their image:
Military coos, power clashes and brutal victories over enemies.
Instead He came from the embassy of Heaven, bringing the sweet kingdom of Shalom.
His sword only clashed with the kingdoms set in the minds of men.

He offended some as He empowered others.
He incited rage in some as He protected others.
He broke through the gates to crush the idols of some,
while He brought many back from the brink of despair.

And oh how he honored women.
They were never shamed by Him..
They were honored as worthy to understand scripture.
They were defended by Him.
They were cleansed by Him.
They were counted among His disciples.
They were honored as trustworthy witnesses.
They were at the foot of His cross and the first to see the empty tomb.
They were delievered by Him.
They were fed by Him, healed by Him and restored by Him.

Women had never met a man like Him.

His shalom came to the women all around Him. They were the first to surrender their strongholds, lay down their defenses and run into His tender embrace.

They had been crushed.
Now they had living hope.

Gods life lessons with Motherhood

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