The crown of the crown


The unformed substance waited for the voice to melt and mold, form and fashion, order.

With each evening and morning came a new layer of complexity and ornateness.

With each evening and morning came a new expression of the artist’s heart

Life began to well up and teem up, to spill over and splash out of every chasm of creation.

Life. Beautiful. Messy. Ordered. Organic life. Expressions of the voice.

And with beautiful dance, the everlasting Ones encircled the one, Adam, who mirrored them who mimicked and modeled them. Made in their image.

But, the artist was not pleased. He expressed that it was not good.

The creation had not yet crescendoed. The artist was not yet satisfied. The symphony was not yet resolved.

With the march of each beast, the man’s heart pounded with potential and yet was met with disappointment.

Until sleep came, side opened, the artist with the refined work of his eyes and hands formed a new creation: woman.

And as she met with Adam, his heart knew, she was bone of his bone, the crown of the crown. Her beauty reflecting the image of the transcendently beautiful One. The life giver made a life giver to partner with him in the womb of creation. And she would bear the marks of the maternal heart of Him who made her. Her delicacy and refinement, her attention to detail and her creativity employed in making space for nurturing nations. And it was finished.

They rested. Complete and satisfied. The artist caught his breath and rejoiced in the completion of the full reflection of himself.

Gods life lessons with Motherhood

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